Virtual Report Card Distribution Wednesday, 02.16.22 1:30pm - 3:00pm

Support Staff and Encore Teacher Links

Child Study Team
Google Meet joining info

Mr. Adinolfe
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 978 8174 5697
Passcode: GryN1M

Mrs. Fuchs
Mr. Gomez 

Mr. Neustein

Mr. Nogueira

Mrs. Pergola
Ms. Towers

Mr. Yachnik

School Counselors
Speech Therapists
Meeting ID: 875 8436 4337
Passcode: JT0ZLF 

NO CASPER, YMCA or Boys & Girls Club Wednesday, February 16

Due to Parent Conferences, there are no after-school activities or after-care programs on Wednesday, February 16.

Parent Conference Afternoon on Wednesday, February 16

The first marking period ended on Wednesday, February 2. It is highly recommended you review your child’s grades using the Student Portal on Infinite Campus:

Pre-K Parents can find their reports on COR. Please ask your child's teacher for further support.

If you would like a report card emailed (on 2/16) or a paper copy sent home (on 2/17), please complete this Google Form:

**Please note if your child is failing a major subject (Math, Reading, Writing, Science or Social Studies), report cards will not be sent until there is a conference set up.**

Please request a 5-minute VIRTUAL appointment with your child's teacher from 1:30-3p. They will share how to do this through their Google Classroom, ClassTag, COR or other means by which they communicate with you. If you have any trouble setting up an appointment with your child's teacher, please contact the office (201-714-4390). If you need a longer appointment, you will need to set it up with the teacher separately. 


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