Cordero Update 11.07.21

The Cordero Digest 2021-22

Cordero Webpage

Any questions? Please reach out to us: 
Or Call us 201-714-4390:
You can also leave a message with our Google Voice Numbers: 
201-448-7573 (Mr. Stanton)
201-448-7947 (Mr. Cabrera)
201-706-7494 (Ms. Oyola)
201-855-6582 (Mrs. Davenport)

Good evening!

We hope that your week was restful. We have a few announcements before the week begins. 

  1. Tomorrow, November 8 we have picture day for students in Grades 3-7. 
  2. We have brought back the Potato March this year. This is our annual non-perishable food collection for needy families in the community. After we give to our community, we typically support others. This year, we have partnered with the East District of the JCPD and they will receive our donations. Homerooms will be collecting from now until Friday, November 19. Homerooms that get the highest percentage of donations will receive a prize!
  3. Thursday, November 11 the school will be closed in observance of Veterans Day. 
  4. The first marking period ends on Monday, November 15. It is highly recommended you review your child’s grades using the Student Portal on Infinite Campus:
  5. Class Parents will have an in person meeting tomorrow at 6pm in the lobby of 232 Pavonia Ave. any interested parents who’d like to volunteer are also welcome to come!

Middle School Hoodie Orders DUE Monday, 11/22

Please see the following message from Ms. Carolyn:

Middle School Zipper/Pullover Sweater order forms were distributed and can also be found on-line (attached to this email and on the Cordero Digest).

Please do NOT email me the order.

Follow these instructions:
  1. Print the form
  2. Fill the form out
  3. Send in the uniform order with the exact dollar amount of your order 

Payment Options:
Cash or Check (made out to Cash)

No Change Available!

Last day to order is Monday, November 22, 2021.

Nominate Teacher of the Year and Educational Service Professional of the Year

It is our annual time to nominate your teacher of the year and Educational Service Professional of the Year. Please share your nominations here:

Please note, the nominee should:
  • Be an expert in the field who inspires students of all backgrounds and abilities to learn
  • Actively collaborate with colleagues, students, and families to create a strong culture of respect and success
  • Demonstrate leadership and innovation in educational activities at the school, district and/or state and national levels that take place both within and outside the school setting
  • Have the respect and admiration of students, parents and colleagues
  • Have not earned the title of school, county or state Teacher of the Year nor ESP of the Year for the past five (5) years. 

Picture Day for Grades 3-7 is Monday, November 8

Because of the school closure on October 26th, pictures for students in grades 3-7 will be taken Monday, November 8. Please prepare accordingly. If students have Physical Education, they should bring clothes and shoes to ensure they are prepared. If you've previously ordered online, you do not need to order again. If you haven't a new code is available below. Retake date will be determined when we return.

School Closure: November Break

Please be reminded that school will be closed from October 30th to November 7th. We will reopen on Monday, November 8th. 

Welcome Back Nurse Stone!

Nurse Stone is returning from her leave when we return on November 8. Please include her in all health correspondence. We thank Nurse Managault for her tremendous work in the first two months of school.

School Closure: Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11th

Quarantine Travel Rules

Please see the rules for quarantining if you are traveling. The pictures below denote checkmarks as things that must be done as it applies to your particular situation.

More information can be found on the Safe Return Plan Updates on the Jersey City Public Schools Website:

Note: Travel Quarantine students will not qualify for live instruction

How Does Quarantine Education Work?

Please receive the district process for remote learning while under quarantine:

Be Reminded of the following:

Book Fair is Coming!

Please feel free to review this letter. Any questions should be directed to Ms. Pergola. All students will have access within school.

Please remember to bring your child with mask and wear it properly every day


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