Cordero Digest September 17

The Cordero Digest 2021-22

Cordero Webpage

Any questions? Please reach out to us: 
Or Call us 201-714-4390:
You can also leave a message with our Google Voice Numbers: 
201-448-7573 (Mr. Stanton)
201-448-7947 (Mr. Cabrera)
201-706-7494 (Ms. Oyola)
201-855-6582 (Mrs. Davenport)

Virtual Orientation Tuesday, September 21st

Due to the Virtual Parent Orientation, there will be no Casper or Boys & Girls Club on Tuesday, 9/21/21. Please pick up your child at their dismissal time.

Ask your teacher a question

Have a question for a teacher?  This form will be open until Monday at 5pm when all questions will be forwarded to the appropriate teacher.

National Security Appreciation Week 9/20-24

Please share your appreciation with our gallant cadre of security guards: Mrs. Crutcher, Ms. Marengo and Mr. O'Brien. They work hard for all of our Cordero Community. 

Security Procedures and Drill Information

Important Student Paperwork for the Beginning of the Year

  1. Please await the district reopening of this site:Student Address Verification

CASPER (Grades PK-5 After School) & Morning STARS (Before School) Information

If you've pre-registered, you should receive an email regarding acceptance into CASPER and/or Morning STARS. Please note that there is a delay between your Google Form submission and acceptance. 

If you have not received a letter and would like to ask questions, please contact the following staff: Mr. Mulholland (CASPER), Ms. Towers-Hernandez (CASPER) and Mr. Khiry (Morning STARS).

In-Person YMCA Program Begins on Monday, October 4 (Students Grades 3-8)

All questions should be directed to:
Registration Link:

YMCA Virtual Basketball Clinic

Uniform Sale Update

Prices are:
Youth sizes (typically PK-5)
Polo - $11
T-Shirt - $6

Adult Sizes (typically 6-8)
Polo - $12
T-Shirt - $7

Please note that we await more Class of 2022 shirts. In the meantime, your child can wear an old uniform shirt or plain navy blue or purple shirt. 

Uniform Sales information once we begin school:
  • School Uniforms will NOT be available for purchase during school hours. 
  • School Uniforms will be available for purchase morning hours only from 7:45am to 8:15am for the rest of the month of September.
  • Parents of new students contact Mrs. Carattini to purchase school uniforms: 
Please see uniform guidance below or click this link:

Uniform Order Forms (print out, fill out and submit to Mrs. Carattini):

Under Construction: Water Fountains/Bottle Fill System

Throughout the building, we are getting closer to water fountains on each corner of every floor and in every Pre-K classroom. At this time, please provide enough water for your child for the school day as we are not using the water coolers. Once the fountains are online, we will update you!

Could your child be sick? Contact Nurse Stone (on leave 9/21-11/1) & Nurse Managault

Please review this diagram to help you decide when you should send your child to school. If your child stays home, you must contact Ms. Coleman and Nurse Stone (on leave 9/21-11/1) & Nurse Managault.

The Jersey City Public Schools District Nurse has developed a comprehensive informational powerpoint. Included is guidance for coming to school, traveling, vaccinations and much more.



Being punctual and present are core responsibilities of parents and students. The JCPS Student Code of Conduct and promotional policy clearly lay out maximum absences that may prevent promotion. Lateness and Absences will be considered unexcused without appropriate documentation submitted to Ms. Coleman ( in the attendance office (109W). All excused absences and the documentation needed is explicitly defined in the JCPS Student Code of Conduct. Parent notes will inform us of absence but will not excuse it.

Visitor Entry

Consistent with last Spring, there will be NO visitors to the building without an appointment. All visitors to the school must enter through the metal detector and thermal scan at the main entrance on Erie St. and sign in at the security desk. This is a point of safety and protection for all of our students and staff. All doors outside are locked throughout the year and you may only enter through the main entrance in order to come into the school.

Entrance Procedures for the 2021-22 School Year

Please note that all students are returning for in-person instruction and we will open our entrances to 4 as seen below. We will continue with the staggered entry as we started last Spring. 

Note: All Middle School Students will enter the main entrance on Erie St. and go through the metal detector and thermal scanner. After clearing both scans, students will report to their first period classes and not their homerooms. 

All other classes will be picked up from their teacher as the diagrams below show.

Be on the lookout for your child's class:


Staggered Dismissal

At dismissal times, students will be dismissed from the same door they entered at the beginning of the day Students not participating in an afterschool program (CASPER) MUST be picked up promptly at the time below.

2:30 - Pre-K

2:40 - Grades K-2

2:45 - Grades 3-8

All students with permission to walk home by themselves should give that permission in writing to their child's teacher. 

Inclement Weather Entry

As we began last year, on days of heavy rain, below freezing temperatures and snow/sleet, we will open our entrances at 8:30 and send students directly to their classrooms after temperature scanning.  

School-Based Communication

Cordero will communicate through a variety of means:

  1. Teacher Google Classroom Streams
  2. Robocalls/Emails/Text via Blackboard Connect system (Including Cordero Digest & other audience specific calls)
  3. Cordero Digest Blog:
  4. School Website on the JCBOE website:  (Home to our school calendars, meal calendars, staff webpages and other information)

Cell Phones

The Jersey City Public Schools Student Code of Conduct does not allow cell phone usage among students. If you need to get into contact with your child, please call the main office phone line: 201-714-4390. If cell phones are confiscated and given to the principal, it may be picked up by a parent or guardian at the end of the day. Confiscated cell phones will not be returned directly to students.

Parental Concerns

Teachers should be the first point of contact for concerns regarding your child or your child’s classroom. This can happen through email, in person, or by calling the main office to schedule a time to meet virtually. Should the situation require more than a minute, please do not address it at drop off or pick up. Teachers must be engaged in receiving and safely dismissing their students during that time. Typically, teachers are available at 8am and during a common planning period throughout the week.

School Lunch Applications

School Lunch is FREE this year. It is imperative that you complete the lunch form regardless of their desire to participate in the lunch program. The lunch applications directly tie to elements of funding from the district and the state. Thank you for your cooperation.

Class Assignments/Schedules for the 2021-22 School Year

Please review your child's homeroom teacher on Infinite Campus. Middle School students will have their entire schedule on Infinite Campus as well. If you don't have access, please complete this form.

Pre-K3 & Pre-K4 Parents should have already received their assignments. If you need it, please contact us at

2021-22 Supply Lists

Please review the supply lists for each grade on this link.

Homework, Projects and other Home Assignments

In accordance with the JCPS Homework Policy, teachers will assign homework to enhance or reinforce what is taught in class. Completion is required and some may be longer term projects. Long term projects will be given with a rubric and a description of the project aims. Teachers will also spend time in the classroom working on these projects in addition to work that must be done at home. Please be mindful of deadlines and support your child’s gradual completion of longer term assignments.

FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit for Families In Need

The Emergency BroadBand Benefit will allow families to get reduced rate on internet services at home.  The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Sign Up Link is:


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